Reduce the burden on users and help them regain control over their healthcare journey, fostering a more user-centric and stress-free experience.

iOS Mobile App  /  UX Research  /     UX/UI Design  /  Branding  /  Testing
Solo Student project
Duration 5 months
2023 - 2024


The goal of the project was to design a one-stop healthcare
platform that covers all aspects of medical care, with the help of innovative technology.

People fail to identify
possible health issues


Wellness has been a significant trend for quite some time now. People are seeking tools to help them stay on top of their health and wellness, as well as achieve greater balance between the challenges of health, wellness, work, and life in general. Yet, many people fail to identify possible health issues early on and seek help in a timely manner.

Despite the abundance of knowledge, various types of apps, and other tools available to prevent mental health issues and burnout, why are burnout and mental health issues on the rise? How is it that so many still fail to seek help early on?

Why is there such a significant gap between the knowledge we have and the actions actually taken?

Turn Insights to Action,
with Predictive Healthcare

My Solution

With emotional AI and wearable devises, customers can predict various health problems, including mental health problems and burnout prevention. The platform calculates personalized risk scores for diseases based on user’s health behaviours and medical history, providing personalized advises based on the results.

Get a clear overview of health

  • Dashboard visualize your overall health index based all the data, to get a better scope.

  • Illness detection will guide you to make better healthier choices and to predict future

  • Learn how events in your life are tied to changing levels of anxiety, stress and depression

Stay Alert:

Detect Alarming Changes

  • Predictive healthcare helps you to detect changes in your body early on

  • Simplified solutions in accessing medical care during burnout phases

  • Appointment booking made easy to the best suitable doctor with only few clicks away

  • Get guidance and help for more balanced & healthier life and avoid severe illnesses

Transparent Privacy Solutions

  • Store all you healthcare documents
    in one place

  • Monitor your privacy and
    control reading permissions

  • Get notified when your documents have been opened and viewed

  • Look up -feature helps you to easily understand all medical words and the meaning of codes

Personalized recommendations

  • Step into My Plans, where your personalized healthcare journey begins

  • Explore tailored programs and track your process effortlessly as you conquer challenges and achieve goals

  • Discover handpicked podcasts inspired by your data and wellness goals

  • Dive into curated content tailored just for you


Deciding What to Build


The project's objective was to allow health-conscious individuals to log in to a responsive health and wellbeing portal to record their health and medical information, as well as access general physical and mental wellbeing features.


By leveraging Emotional AI and Ambient Intelligence, we hypothesize that users will gain unprecedented control over their health, enabling early detection of potential health issues by seamlessly connecting wearable devices for holistic health data tracking and monitoring.

Aimed at achieving inclusivity through design, the platform is developed as a responsive web application with a strong emphasis on security, ensuring user data is safely encrypted. Our vision is to empower users to proactively manage their health in a user-friendly, secure, and integrated environment, aligning with our business goals of inclusivity, responsiveness, and data security.


White Paper Research

Burnout rate is up year after year

I began my research by exploring what is the current stage of mental health problems, what are the challanges, problems and pressures that workers face today, and what kind of solutions there are to prevent it. I research articles about burnout, what kind of solutions and coping strategies there are, and how to deal with burnout and mental health problems. I also wanted to understand better the future of healthcare and what kind of trends could be detected.

As I assumed, I found out that web is full of articles about burnout sympthomps and recovery. There are efficient methods for dealing, treating and coping burnouts, and every article highlighted that it is important to get help in the early stage, so, that the burnout doesn't progress to a difficult stage.

Still, recent studies show that burnout rate is up 13.5% from 2021 into 2022. *


of Europeans have suffered from burnout between 2022-2023 *

Competitive Analysis

The competitors offered help only for recovering

The landscape of healthcare apps is diverse and multifaceted. While my initial intent was to conduct a comprehensive competitive analysis, I quickly realized that there are no direct counterparts to the platform under scrutiny. Nevertheless, this presented an opportunity to explore a wide array of apps offering healthcare services, as well as those focused solely on collecting body data.

Through this exploration, I delved into multiple healthcare platforms, each with its unique offerings and strategies. While some provided comprehensive medical data access akin to the platform in question, others offered specialized services or focused solely on data collection. Despite the absence of directly comparable competitors, this analysis provided valuable insights into the broader healthcare app market and shed light on potential areas for improvement and innovation within the platform. It became increasingly clear that while the platform may not have direct competitors, it operates within a dynamic and competitive landscape. Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of healthcare and fitness apps, as well as emerging trends in healthcare technology, will be essential in guiding the platform's future development and ensuring its continued relevance and effectiveness in meeting user needs.


“I was 100% sure no one would believe me.”

I employed a combination of methods: focus group and user interviews were great ways to start exploring my target group's feelings, needs, and experiences. Lastly, to validate the findings, I conducted
a survey to gain insights into a larger group. My goal was to uncover similarities in working habits, triggers, personalities, and recovery, leading to a more comprehensive understanding of the topic. The survey provided me with insights into the feelings about burnout and mental health problems of 25 participants.





/Focus Group





User Research Goals

  1. To better understand users habits, feelings and experiences with burnout.

  2. To get insights how users are currently managing their health data and medical records.

  3. To determine what kind of support system and features users need.

  4. To understand users feelings towards predictive health care.

All participants knew very well what they should be doing to prevent burnout, but they still get bogged down in the work over and over again. Admitting burnout and asking for help turned out to be a challenge for everyone.Traits of perfectionism, loyalty, and passion create a work-life balance challenge. Users comprehend burnout prevention but struggle to admit vulnerability and seek help.

This nuanced understanding informs the empathetic approach, crafting solutions resonating with their complex realities, ensuring a holistic response to both physical and emotional aspects of their experiences.

Key Insights

  • Participants described themselves as perfectionists passionate about their jobs.

  • Self-blame led to longer work hours and ignoring symptoms.

  • Pressure to maintain high work quality contributed to feelings of inadequacy.

Perfectionism and Self-Blame

Theme 1.

Theme 2.

Symptom Ignorance and Fear of Stigma

  • All participants ignored symptoms and felt guilty for seeking help.

  • Fear of not being believed by doctors or managers prevented seeking help.

  • Participants struggled to recognize the right time to seek medical assistance.

Theme 3.

Importance of Support and Simplified Solutions

  • Support systems, including friends and family, were crucial in encouraging seeking help.

  • Participants wished for simpler solutions in accessing medical care during burnout phases.

  • Seeking help was considered a life-saving action, providing relief and empathy from doctors.

Who are these Perfectionists?

  • Social introverts

  • Passioned about their work

  • Worried about their privacy

  • Kind, people pleasers by nature

During my research, I discovered (and confirmed) that people who can easily suffer from burnout, are

How to help users to seek help?

With these insights in mind, I built empathy maps and personas to capture the motivations, needs, and pain points. Then, I created journey maps to pinpoint opportunities for my app to address these needs along the way. I focused on one journey especially; to receive help for burnout.

Here’s Johny and Ella, as an example:

Mapping out The Flow

To began, I mapped out the essential user flows, tailoring distinct paths for Johny, Sara, and Ella. These personalized journeys optimize user experiences, ensuring the app accommodates diverse needs and enhances usability. Crafting individual pathways reflects a commitment to inclusivity and a user-centric solution, addressing the unique requirements of users like Johny, Sara, and Ella.

Mobile First Design Plan

The plan extends adaptability to various devices, including mobile phones, tablets, and desktops, with a specific inclusion of smartwatches / wearables. Prioritizing the mobile experience aligns with our medical care app's diverse user base. Despite the focus on mobile, the plan acknowledges individual preferences, allowing desktop usage for quite many tasks, such as reading documents, data and analyses and also conducting telemedicine, catering to the varied needs of our broad audience.


Design Process

Through prototyping and user testing, I learned invaluable lessons about user preferences, pain points, and behaviors. This iterative approach has allowed me to refine my design solutions, address usability issues, and ultimately create a more user-centered experience.

Issue 1.

Symptom Ignorance

The problem revolves around users' difficulty in interpreting the abundance of health data to form a clear understanding of their overall well-being.

Relying solely on a single data point can lead to a skewed perception and overlook important nuances. There's a need to view the body and mind as a holistic entity rather than focusing solely on isolated statistics. Furthermore, users struggle to discern when it's appropriate to seek medical assistance. Users wish for simpler solutions in accessing medical care during burnout phases.

Many users find it cumbersome to review daily data and desire a simplified view that encapsulates the "big picture" of their health.

Issue 2.

Privacy Concerns:
Document Access

Users express significant concerns regarding the privacy of their electronic health records (EHRs), fearing unauthorized access to their documents without their knowledge.

They advocate for ownership and transparency, emphasizing the need to monitor document access and maintain control over their personal health information.

Initially, my main idea was to design a transparent 'view history' feature for doctor's notes in the health records section. Users would be able to access their view history from each file.

Tone of Voice

Authenticity is central to the approach; to connect with users on a human level, reflecting the app's personality and values. The brand encourages user feedback and engagement, welcoming input and actively listening to user concerns with empathy and understanding.

Responsive Framework

In designing the responsive framework, my decision-making process was guided by a "mobile-first" approach, prioritizing the mobile experience and usability while also considering tablet and desktop usage. Understanding that mobile and tablet devices are often utilized on the go, I placed emphasis on features such as checking health scores, accessing statistics, using prescriptions, and booking appointments for these platforms.

Additionally, I recognized that desktop usage may be preferred for activities like telemedicine appointments, reading health documents, and booking appointments due to the convenience of having hands-free operation.

Therefore, the design strategy ensured that mobile and tablet interfaces catered to "data on the go," while desktop usage was optimized for telemedicine calls and other stationary tasks.

The Final Product / MVP

I was able to keep the project timeline and finish with interactive prototype. I worked with Figma throughout the entire design and wireframe -process, and iterated my screens constantly. I used Figma to animate small graphics, as well as to collaborative design work.

Next Steps

Next steps will be to
- Design all notification flows
- Refine the document locking flows for haptic feedback
- Refine the interface
- Design UX/UI for the smartwatch
- Add voice experiences
- Arrange new usability testing round

Conclusion & Reflections

In conclusion, this project has been an invaluable learning experience, providing insights into the intricacies of user experience design and the importance of prioritizing user needs. Through this project, I have learned:

  • The importance of considering multiple devices and platforms in design, including mobile, tablet, and desktop, to optimize accessibility and functionality.

  • The impact of personalized features and tailored content in enhancing user engagement and satisfaction.

  • The necessity of clear communication and intuitive navigation to guide users seamlessly through the platform.

What I’d do differently

  • I’d study & research more wearable devises and think the user experience through the smartwatch screen UI more carefully as well.

  • I’d conduct preference testings more often to validate the screens more efficiently

Overall, this project has deepened my understanding of UX design principles and methodologies, equipping me with valuable skills and insights for future projects in the field.

Thank you!

Elina Tuusa 2024

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